By Megon VenterTue. 19 Mar. 20243min Read

How to Use Google Docs Like a Professional

In this guide, our team explore tips and tricks to help you harness the full potential of Google Docs like a Google Workspace pro.
How to Use Google Docs Like a Professional

Google Docs has revolutionized the way we create, edit, and collaborate on documents. Whether you're a student, a business professional, or someone who just loves to write, mastering Google Docs can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency on Google Drive.


Megon Venter
B2B SaaS Content Writer LinkedIn
Megon is a B2B SaaS Content Writer with 7 years of experience in content strategy and execution. Her expertise lies in the creation of document management tutorials and product comparisons.

Get Organized with Folders

Keep your documents neat and tidy by organizing them into folders. Create folders for different projects, clients, or categories to streamline your document management process. To create a folder, simply click on "New" > "Folder" and give it a name. You can then drag and drop documents into the appropriate folders for easy access.

Image Source: PDF Reader Pro


"I always used more than one PDF Reader before finding PDF Reader Pro because none of them had all the tools I needed in one platform. Now I only use PDF Reader Pro due to its efficient suite of tools!"
Naaziyah Ismail
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Source: LinkedIn

Utilize Templates for Efficiency

Save time and effort by using templates for common document types such as resumes, letters, and reports. Access the template gallery by clicking on "Template Gallery" in the upper-right corner of the screen. Browse through a wide selection of professionally designed templates or create your own custom templates to suit your needs.

Image Source: PDF Reader Pro


Master Keyboard Shortcuts

Speed up your workflow by mastering Google Docs keyboard shortcuts. From basic text formatting to advanced editing functions, keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform tasks quickly without having to navigate through menus. To view a list of available shortcuts, press Ctrl + / (Windows/Linux) or Command + / (Mac).

Image Source: PDF Reader Pro


Collaborate in Real-Time

Take advantage of Google Docs' collaborative features to work seamlessly with colleagues, clients, or classmates. Share your document with others by clicking on the "Share" button in the upper-right corner and entering their email addresses. Collaborators can edit, comment, or suggest changes in real-time, making teamwork efficient and productive.

Image Source: PDF Reader Pro


Track Changes with Version History

Keep track of document revisions and changes using Google Docs' version history feature. Click on "File" > "Version history" > "See version history" to view a chronological list of edits made to your document. You can restore previous versions, compare changes, and see who made specific edits, making it easy to revert to an earlier version if needed.

Image Source: PDF Reader Pro


Add Comments and Suggestions

Enhance collaboration and communication by adding comments and suggestions to your document. Highlight a portion of text, right-click, and select "Comment" to leave a comment for collaborators. You can also use the "Suggesting" mode to propose changes without directly editing the document, allowing others to accept or reject your suggestions.

Image Source: PDF Reader Pro


Customize Styles and Formatting

Tailor your document's appearance to suit your preferences by customizing styles and formatting. Use the toolbar options to change font styles, sizes, colors, and alignment. You can also create custom headings, paragraph styles, and bullet lists to maintain consistency throughout your document.

Image Source: PDF Reader Pro


Integrate with Other Google Apps

Take advantage of Google Docs' seamless integration with other Google apps such as Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Forms. Embed spreadsheets, presentations, and forms directly into your document to provide additional context or data. You can also link to external resources or websites to enhance your content.

Image Source: PDF Reader Pro

For step-by-step instructions, you can also check our resume resource on converting PDF to Google Docs.

"I’ve used many PDF tools and only encountered headaches – from expensive monthly subscriptions to limited features that reveal themselves later. That is until I downloaded PDF Reader Pro."
Megon Venter
B2B SaaS Content Writer LinkedIn
Source: LinkedIn


Work Offline with Google Docs Offline

Stay productive even without an internet connection by enabling Google Docs Offline. Simply install the Google Docs Offline extension for Chrome, and you'll be able to access and edit your documents offline. Any changes you make will be automatically synced once you reconnect to the internet.

Image Source: PDF Reader Pro

Integrate PDF Reader Pro with Google Workspace

PDF Reader Pro can be seamlessly integrated with Google Drive, allowing you to access and manage your PDF files directly from Google Drive. This integration ensures that your PDF files are always synced and up-to-date across all your devices.

Get Started with PDF Reader Pro Today!


FAQs: Google Docs on Google Workspace

Have more questions for our team about navigating the Google Workspace? From managing business documents to creating document templates, we have the answers.


Are there any keyboard shortcuts I can use in Google Docs?

Yes, it offers a variety of keyboard shortcuts to help you navigate and edit documents more efficiently. Press Ctrl + / (Windows/Linux) or Command + / (Mac) to view a list of available shortcuts within Google Docs.


Can I work on Google Docs offline?

Yes, you can work on your documents offline by enabling offline editing in Google Drive. Install the Google Docs Offline extension for Chrome, and you'll be able to access and edit your documents even without an internet connection. Any changes made offline will be synced once you reconnect to the internet.


How do I view the version history of a Google Docs document?

To view the version history of a document, click on "File" > "Version history" > "See version history" within the document. This will open a panel on the right side of the screen where you can see a list of earlier versions of the document, along with the changes made in each version.


Can I create custom templates in Google Docs?

Yes, you can create custom templates to streamline your document creation process. Simply design a document with the desired layout, styles, and content, then click on "Template Gallery" > "Submit template" to save it as a custom template. You can then access and use your custom template anytime from the Template Gallery.


By following these tips and tricks, you'll be able to use Google Docs like a true professional, maximizing your productivity and efficiency in creating and collaborating on documents. Whether you're writing a report, crafting a presentation, or collaborating on a project, Google Docs provides the tools you need to succeed.

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