By Nina TorskaWed. 24 Apr. 20243min Read

10 Famous Of Human Bondage Quotes

In this blog, we delve into key quotes from "Of Human Bondage," exploring themes of freedom, identity, and human resilience.
10 Famous Of Human Bondage Quotes

In W. Somerset Maugham's "Of Human Bondage," I am continually captivated by the intricate exploration of human desires, the pain of unrequited love, and the search for personal meaning.

This novel, blending introspective depth with a rich narrative, offers a compelling look at the struggles of self-discovery and the complexities of human relationships, set against the backdrop of a life shaped by physical and emotional constraints.

"It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it." — Philip Carey

Philip's reflection on the nature of youth challenges the idealistic view that it is a time of carefree bliss, highlighting the angsts and struggles often accompanying younger years.

This quote resonates with me as it captures the bittersweet nature of growing up, where the freedom of youth is often shadowed by a quest for identity and belonging.

"The only way to live in this world is without expectation." — Philip Carey

Through Philip, Maugham expresses a stoic philosophy that suggests detachment as a means to protect oneself from the disappointments of life.

This approach reflects Philip's ongoing struggle with his desires and the pain they often bring, embodying the emotional defense mechanisms we sometimes adopt to navigate life's uncertainties.

"You will find as you grow older that courage is the rarest of all qualities to be found in public life." — Philip Carey

This cynical observation by Philip on the nature of courage in public life speaks to the broader societal critique Maugham weaves through the novel. It reflects on the compromises often made in the pursuit of personal and professional advancement.

"People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise." — Philip Carey

Philip's wry comment on human nature and the desire for validation rather than genuine critique underscores a universal truth about interpersonal dynamics, which Maugham captures so adeptly in his exploration of human relationships.

"Impropriety is the soul of wit." — Philip Carey

With this quip, Philip identifies a paradox within societal norms, suggesting that what is often deemed inappropriate can be the source of great humor and truth.

This line showcases Maugham's sharp wit and his ability to encapsulate complex ideas in succinct, memorable phrases.

"Money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five." — Philip Carey

Philip articulates the pragmatic side of financial security and its role in enabling a fuller engagement with life. This pragmatic recognition of money's value reflects the practical lessons Philip learns as he navigates poverty and wealth.

"The important thing was to feel in terms of the human soul." — Philip Carey

This philosophical insight from Philip emphasizes the significance of emotional and spiritual connections over materialistic or superficial engagements, which is a recurring theme in Philip's quest for deeper meaning in life.

"There are two good things in life, freedom of thought and freedom of action." — Philip Carey

In this declaration, Philip celebrates the fundamental liberties that offer fulfillment and happiness, a reflection of his own struggles with societal constraints and personal inhibitions.

"It is cruel to discover one's mediocrity only when it is too late." — Philip Carey

Philip's lament on self-realization speaks to the painful journey towards understanding one's limitations and potential, a central element of his character development throughout the novel.

"Tradition is a guide and not a jailer." — Philip Carey

Here, Philip argues for a balanced approach to heritage and progress, advocating for the respect of past wisdom while also embracing change and personal autonomy.

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