By Megon VenterFri. 26 May. 20233 Minsmin Read

How To Make Time Go Faster At Work

How to make time go faster at work? Increase your productivity levels with these 8 tried and tested professional hacks and PDF Reader Pro.
How To Make Time Go Faster At Work

We've all been there—staring at the clock, counting down the minutes until the workday ends. But what if we told you that you can actually make time go faster at work, while still being productive and efficient? In this blog post, we'll reveal some hacks to speed up your day and accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

One key tool for achieving this feat is PDF Reader Pro, which streamlines document management tasks so you can focus on what really matters. With its easy-to-use interface, advanced features, and quick performance, PDF Reader Pro not only helps you get work done faster but also makes time fly by. Stay tuned to discover how to make the most out of your workday!


Benefits of Making Time Go Faster at Work

Finding ways to make time go faster at work can benefit individuals and organizations. We can increase productivity and accomplish more tasks within a given period when we perceive time as passing more quickly. By effectively managing our time, we can alleviate stress levels and create extra time for more fulfilling activities outside of work.


Several techniques can help in this process, such as breaking tasks into manageable blocks of time, using background music to create a pleasant working environment, and taking short breaks to rejuvenate our mental energy.

We can significantly enhance our daily work routine by strategically managing our time and focusing on challenging and pleasant tasks. This article will explore various strategies to accelerate the perception of time at work and provide practical tips to improve time management and increase productivity.

Challenges of Making Time Go Faster at Work

When trying to make time go faster at work, individuals may face several challenges that can hinder their efforts. The work environment can be a major obstacle, especially if it is noisy, disorganized, or lacks privacy. Such an environment can make it difficult to maintain focus and productivity, leading to a perception of time moving slowly.

Additionally, a heavy workload can pose a challenge in speeding up time. When individuals have overwhelming tasks to complete, the passage of time may feel slow as they struggle to keep up with deadlines and responsibilities. External stressors, such as personal problems or conflicts, can also contribute to a slow perception of time as individuals may find it difficult to concentrate on their work.

Repetitive or mundane tasks can further slow down time. Repeating the same activities can make the workday monotonous and never-ending. Conversely, challenging tasks that require significant mental energy may also make time feel slow as individuals become absorbed in the complexity of the work.

To counter these challenges, individuals can implement time management techniques, such as breaking the day into blocks of time and allocating specific tasks to each block. Taking short 5-minute breaks throughout the day can also help refresh the mind and prevent time from dragging on. Engaging in physical activity during breaks or incorporating it in the daily routine can increase energy levels and concentration, potentially making time feel faster.

By being aware of the challenges that may slow down work time and implementing effective strategies, individuals can create a more balanced and productive professional life.

1. Change Your Perception of Time

Changing your perception of it is an effective way to make time go faster at work. Instead of focusing on how long the workday feels or constantly checking the clock, try shifting your mindset to view time as a valuable resource.

Recognize that each minute is an opportunity to accomplish tasks and progress towards your goals. By embracing a positive mindset and staying engaged in your work, you can shift your perception of time from being slow and dragging to feeling faster and more enjoyable.

It can also be helpful to break your tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, so you can celebrate small victories along the way, making time seem to pass more quickly. Remember, your perception of time is subjective and can be influenced by your mindset, so adopting a positive and purposeful attitude can help you make the most of your time at work.

Reframe How You View Short-Term Goals

Are you constantly checking the clock and feeling like work is dragging on? One powerful technique to make time go faster is to reframe how you view short-term goals. By shifting your perspective, you can change your perception of time and find greater satisfaction in your work.

One way to reframe your short-term goals is by focusing on your past accomplishments and skill base. Take a moment to reflect on all the tasks you have successfully completed. Remind yourself of the skills you possess that enable you to tackle new challenges. This shift in focus can lead to a sense of confidence and optimism, making time feel more manageable and enjoyable.

Additionally, identifying tasks that can be easily completed and taking action can help change your perception of time. Start your day by tackling the simpler tasks on your to-do list. As you check off these smaller goals, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and motivation, making time seem to pass quickly.

Reframing how you view short-term goals is a powerful strategy for managing your perception of time at work. By focusing on your past accomplishments and skills and completing simple tasks first, you can shift your perspective and make time go faster. Give it a try, and experience a more productive and fulfilling workday.

Focus on Gradual Progress Rather Than Perfectionism

Are you constantly feeling like time is dragging on at work? One effective strategy to make time go faster is to shift your focus from perfectionism to gradual progress. The feeling of time dragging often stems from a mindset of being too fixated on perfection and not feeling satisfied until everything is flawless.

Instead of striving for perfection in every task, acknowledge and celebrate the small wins and progress you make. Recognize that not everything needs to be perfect before you can feel content with your work. By focusing on gradual progress, you can break down larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks, allowing you to experience a sense of accomplishment more frequently.

Take a moment to reflect on your progress. Look back at the tasks you have successfully completed and the milestones you have achieved. Acknowledging and celebrating these small wins can boost your motivation and satisfaction, making time feel like it is passing more quickly.

Remember, work is a journey of constant improvement. Embracing the concept of gradual progress rather than perfectionism can help you enjoy the process more and make time at work feel more fulfilling and enjoyable.

Use Visualization Techniques to Change Your Perception of Time

Visualization techniques can be a powerful tool to change our perception of time and make it feel like it is passing more quickly at work. By engaging in positive mental imagery and visualizing time passing quickly, we can alter our perception of the passage of time and make it feel more enjoyable and seamless.

One effective technique is to imagine a fast-paced clock ticking away the minutes and hours. This visualization helps create a sense of urgency and can make time fly by. By picturing the hands of the clock moving rapidly, we can trick our minds into perceiving the passage of time as faster than it is.

Another technique is to visualize the completion of tasks. By mentally projecting ourselves into the future and visualizing the successful completion of our tasks, we can create a sense of accomplishment and motivation. Imagining the satisfaction and relief of completing a task can help us stay focused and engaged, ultimately making time feel like it is passing more quickly.

Lastly, picturing ourselves engaging in future enjoyable activities can also help speed up our perception of time. Visualizing the fun and rewarding activities we have planned after work or during breaks can create a positive anticipation that makes time seem to go faster.

Incorporating visualization techniques into our daily routine can significantly affect how we experience time at work. By using techniques such as imagining a fast-paced clock, visualizing task completion, and mentally projecting ourselves into future enjoyable activities, we can change our perception of time and make it feel more enjoyable and effortless.

2. Make a To-Do List and Prioritize Tasks

One effective way to make time go faster at work is to make a to-do list and prioritize tasks. By creating a clear and organized plan for the day, we can reduce the feeling of overwhelm and stay focused on what needs to be done.

Start by listing all the tasks that need to be completed and then prioritize them based on their importance and deadlines. Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps can also help make them more achievable.


By having a structured plan, we can avoid wasting time on unnecessary tasks and stay on track with our priorities. This improves productivity and gives us a sense of direction and control, making time seem to pass more quickly as we work through our list. 

One of the best ways to know what to focus on in a productivity planner is by adding comments. You can know what needs to be focused on by leaving notes on your PDFs, both personal and work-related. Let's find out how to add comments to PDFs for both Windows and Mac.

How to Add Comments to Your Work Document PDFs with Windows

Here is the best way to leave crystal-clear comments using your Windows operating system.



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Step 1: Open Your PDF Document

Step 2: Click "Tools" on the Menu Bar

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Step 3: Use the Anchored Note Function

Click on the spot where you want to leave your comment. Type the comment in the note section. If you want to highlight a specific part, you can also use the highlighter tool to select the text in question.

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Step 4: Alter the Colors

Choose the icon and highlight the color of your note by clicking "Properties" on the top right-hand corner.

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How to Add Comments to Your Work Document PDFs with Mac

Learn to add a comment in your PDF quickly and easily using your Mac operating system. 



Navigate, edit, and
convert PDFs like a Pro
with PDF Reader Pro


Easily customize PDFs: Edit text, images,
pages, and annotations with ease.


Advanced PDF conversion: Supports
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Seamless workflow on Mac,
Windows, iOS, and Android.

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Step 1: Open Your PDF Document

Step 2: Click "Tools" on the Menu Bar

Image Source: PDF Reader Pro

Step 3: Use the Anchored Note Function

Click the sticky note function on the tools menu. Place the sticky note anywhere on the page and write your comment. If you want to comment on a particular sentence, consider highlighting it with the highlighter tool. 

Image Source: PDF Reader Pro

Step 4: Alter the Colors

Change the icon and color by clicking the "Properties" panel in the top right-hand corner.

Image Source: PDF Reader Pro


Break Up Large Tasks Into Smaller Ones

When faced with a large and daunting task at work, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and for time to drag on. One effective technique to combat this is to break up large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. This not only helps to create a sense of progress but also makes the passage of time feel faster.

To begin, take the time to break down the larger task into smaller, more doable subtasks. This will allow you to focus on one specific aspect at a time, making it less overwhelming. Once you have identified these subtasks, prioritize them according to their importance and urgency. This will help you create a plan of action and ensure you tackle the most crucial elements first.

Next, allocate specific time slots for each subtask within your schedule. This will give each task a timeframe and create a clear sense of structure for your day. It will also prevent you from spending too much time on any one task, which can contribute to the perception of time moving slowly.

Breaking up large tasks into smaller ones improves time management and helps maintain focus and energy levels. By working on smaller, more manageable subtasks, you can maintain a higher concentration level and avoid fatigue from prolonged work periods.

In conclusion, breaking up large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones is an effective time management technique that can make time go faster. By prioritizing, creating a plan, and allocating specific time slots, you can navigate your workload with a sense of progress and accomplishment. Try it and see how it positively impacts your perception of time and overall productivity.

Group Similar Tasks Together for Efficiency

Grouping similar tasks together can greatly improve efficiency in the workplace. When we categorize and tackle similar tasks consecutively, it allows for a seamless flow of work and minimizes the time wasted on transitioning between unrelated activities. Here are a few ways in which grouping similar tasks can enhance efficiency:

  1. Reducing Cognitive Overload: When faced with various tasks requiring different skills or knowledge, our brains must constantly switch gears and adapt. This can lead to cognitive overload and decrease productivity. However, by grouping similar tasks together, we can limit the mental strain of constantly shifting focus, thus allowing us to work more efficiently.
  2. Increasing Focus: Concentrating on one type of task at a time allows us to narrow our attention and dedicate our mental resources to a specific skill set or thought process. This eliminates the distractions and mental clutter associated with switching between unrelated tasks. With improved focus, we can complete tasks more accurately and efficiently.
  3. Categorizing Based on Nature, Complexity, and Required Resources: Grouping tasks based on their nature, complexity, or required resources provides a structured approach to work. For example, categorizing creative, analytical, administrative, or collaborative tasks can help determine each task's best approach or strategy. Furthermore, by grouping tasks that require similar resources or tools, we can utilize them more efficiently and avoid wasting time setting up different tasks.

In conclusion, grouping similar tasks together enhances efficiency by reducing cognitive overload, increasing focus, and providing a structured approach to work. By implementing this time management technique, professionals can optimize their productivity and accomplish more in less time.

Set Deadlines and Stick to Them

Setting and sticking to deadlines is crucial for making time go faster at work. By establishing specific time limits for tasks, we create a sense of urgency and focus that reduces the feeling of time dragging on.

When we have a deadline, we become more aware of how much time we have left to complete a task. This awareness can help us prioritize our efforts and allocate our time more effectively. We become more motivated to stay on track and avoid wasting time on non-essential activities.

Furthermore, setting deadlines encourages us to break down larger projects or goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This allows us to create a clear action plan and prioritize our tasks based on their importance and urgency. By using time management techniques such as time blocking or creating to-do lists, we can ensure that we stay on schedule and complete tasks promptly.

Sticking to deadlines also helps to build a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. When we meet our deadlines, we feel a sense of achievement, which boosts our confidence and motivation to tackle the next set of tasks. This positive cycle helps increase productivity and make time seem faster.

In conclusion, setting and sticking to deadlines is essential for creating a sense of urgency, focus, and productivity in the workplace. By prioritizing tasks and using time management techniques, we can ensure that we meet our deadlines and efficiently use our time.

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3. Block Out Your Time Effectively

One effective way to make time go faster at work is to block out your time effectively. This technique divides your workday into specific time blocks dedicated to different tasks or activities. You can increase your focus and productivity by allocating distinct periods of time for each task.

Start by identifying the most important and urgent tasks that need to be completed, and assign specific time intervals for them in your schedule. Be sure to include breaks and transitions between tasks to prevent burnout and maintain mental energy throughout the day.

By structuring your day this way, you create a sense of structure and purpose, which can help time feel like it is passing more quickly. Additionally, this technique can help you prioritize your tasks and ensure that you spend your time on the most important and meaningful activities.

Assign Blocks of Time for Each Task

Have you ever felt that time at work seems to crawl along, making the day feel longer than it is? If so, you're not alone. Many people experience this perception of time passing slowly, leaving them feeling frustrated and unproductive. One effective solution to combat this phenomenon is assigning time blocks for each task.

Breaking Down Work Into Time Blocks

By breaking down your work into time blocks, you can create a sense of structure and purpose throughout the day. Assigning dedicated periods for specific tasks allows you to maintain focus and prioritize your workload effectively. As a result, time seems to pass more quickly, and you experience a higher sense of accomplishment.

Matching Time Blocks with Your Ultradian Rhythm

Consider aligning your time blocks with your natural ultradian rhythm. The ultradian rhythm is a recurring cycle in our body that influences our energy and concentration levels. By understanding your own ultradian rhythm, you can schedule challenging tasks during your peak periods and save more mundane or repetitive tasks for times when your energy naturally dips.

This synchronization can greatly enhance productivity and make the passage of time feel more effortless.

Assigning blocks of time for each task is an invaluable time management technique that can make time go faster at work. By breaking down your workload into manageable segments and aligning them with your natural ultradian rhythm, you can boost productivity, reduce stress levels, and regain control over your workday. So, embrace the power of time blocking and watch your workday fly by with a renewed sense of purpose and efficiency.

Be Realistic When Scheduling Appointments

Being realistic when scheduling appointments is crucial for effective time management and reducing stress. When we are unrealistic in our scheduling, it can lead to a feeling of time moving slowly and constantly rushing to keep up with our commitments.

When we overestimate our ability to complete tasks or underestimate their time, we set ourselves up for stress and frustration. As a result, time seems to drag on as we struggle to meet unrealistic deadlines. This not only affects our productivity, but also our mental well-being.

On the other hand, accurately estimating the time needed for appointments allows us to allocate sufficient time for each task, reducing the likelihood of feeling overwhelmed or rushed. By being realistic in our scheduling, we can better manage our time and avoid the negative consequences of overcommitting ourselves.

Accurate estimation of time also helps us prioritize and allocate our resources effectively. It allows us to plan our day more efficiently, ensuring that we have enough time for each appointment without compromising the quality of our work.

In conclusion, being realistic when scheduling appointments is vital to effective time management. By accurately estimating the time needed for each task, we can reduce stress, improve productivity, and create a better balance in our professional and personal lives.

Create a Weekly Schedule With Free Time Included

Creating a weekly schedule with free time is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and maximizing productivity. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Determine your most energetic and present time of the day: Identify when you feel the most energized and focused. This is when you should schedule your most important and challenging tasks.
  2. Divide your work into blocks of time: Break your work into manageable chunks and assign specific time blocks for each task or project. Be realistic about how much each task will take and allocate extra time for unexpected interruptions or delays.
  3. Prioritize and align tasks with your energy levels: Schedule your most demanding and important tasks during your most energetic and present time. This ensures you can give your full attention and focus to these tasks, increasing your productivity and satisfaction.
  4. Allocate free time: Include blocks of free time in your schedule besides work-related tasks. This could be short breaks throughout the day, a longer lunch break, or dedicated time for relaxation or pursuing personal hobbies. This time allows you to recharge and rejuvenate, improving overall well-being and enhanced productivity when you return to work.

By creating a productivity-based routine and incorporating free time into your weekly schedule, you can balance work and personal life, increasing happiness and effectiveness.

4. Reduce Stress Levels

Managing stress levels is crucial for maintaining focus and productivity at work. Here are some strategies to help reduce stress levels:

  1. Prioritize and Organize: Create a to-do list to prioritize your tasks and break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. This will help you stay organized and feel in control of your workload.
  2. Time Blocking: Allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks or projects. Dedicating uninterrupted periods for deep work can increase focus and productivity and reduce stress caused by constant interruptions.
  3. Minimize Distractions: External distractions can significantly impact your stress levels and productivity. To minimize external distractions, turn off notifications on your phone, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and find a quiet workspace.
  4. Take Breaks: Schedule regular daily breaks to recharge and clear your mind. Activities like stretching, walking, or practicing deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress and increase mental clarity.
  5. Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities outside of work, such as exercise, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being will help reduce stress levels.

Implementing these strategies can effectively reduce stress levels and create a more balanced and productive work environment.

You can also check our top 10 ways to improve work performance.

5. Enter Flow State

To enter the elusive state of flow at work, where time seems to fly by and your productivity soars, it's important to align your skill level with the challenge. Here are some key principles and strategies to help you enter the flow state and experience optimal performance:

  1. Match Skill Level with Challenge: Choose interesting and challenging tasks. In the flow state, you should feel a balance between your existing skills and the level of challenge presented by the task.
  2. Set Clear Goals: Clear goals are essential for entering the flow state. Clearly define what you want to achieve and break down the task into manageable steps. This clarity helps you maintain focus and stay engaged.
  3. Be Fully Immersed: When entering the flow state, it's important to eliminate distractions and fully immerse yourself in the task. Minimize interruptions, turn off notifications, and create an environment that promotes focus.
  4. Avoid Task Switching: Constantly switching between tasks can hinder the flow state. Try to work on one task at a time, allowing yourself to concentrate and dive deep into the work fully.
  5. Adjust Responsibilities: If possible, adjust your responsibilities to align with your interests and skills. Focusing on tasks you find engaging and enjoyable increases the likelihood of entering the flow state.

By following these principles and incorporating these strategies into your work routine, you can increase your chances of entering the flow state and achieving optimal performance. Remember, finding the right balance between skill and challenge, setting clear goals, and immersing yourself fully in the task are essential for experiencing the flow state.

6. Take Opportunities to Have Fun

In pursuing productivity, it's easy to overlook the importance of injecting a little fun into the workplace. However, incorporating enjoyable and lighthearted activities can positively impact individual performance and team dynamics.

Taking opportunities to have fun at work not only creates a more enjoyable and engaging work environment but has also been shown to increase productivity. When employees are able to have fun and enjoy themselves, they are more likely to be motivated and enthusiastic about their tasks. This boost in morale can lead to higher-quality work and increased efficiency.

Additionally, incorporating fun and playful elements into the workplace can create a more connected team. Silly traditions, regular compliments, casual conversations, and innovative meeting structures all build positive colleague relationships. These moments of shared laughter and enjoyment help break down barriers and foster a sense of camaraderie.

By embracing fun in the workplace, organizations can reap the benefits of increased productivity and a more connected team. So, don't be afraid to take opportunities to inject a little fun into the daily routine. Whether it's a team-building activity, a themed dress-up day, or a funny meme shared in an email chain, these moments of enjoyment can greatly impact overall workplace satisfaction and performance.

7. Reward Yourself

One effective way to make time go faster at work is to reward yourself for your hard work and accomplishments. Rewards can serve as powerful motivators, boosting your motivation and helping you enter the flow state, where you are fully absorbed and engaged in your work.

To incorporate rewards into your work routine, consider implementing self-care activities, such as taking short breaks to stretch or meditate. These brief moments of relaxation can help rejuvenate your mind and body, allowing you to return to your tasks with renewed energy and focus.

Another option is to treat yourself to special purchases. Whether it's a new book, a delicious snack, or a small item you've been eyeing, rewarding yourself with something you enjoy can provide a much-needed sense of gratification and fulfillment.

Furthermore, well-deserved breaks can also act as rewards. Use your break time to engage in activities that bring you joy or help you unwind, such as walking, listening to music, or chatting with a colleague. These breaks create a sense of relief and provide an opportunity to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Incorporating rewards into your work routine is essential for maintaining motivation and preventing burnout. By rewarding yourself, you create an environment where you not only enjoy your work, but also find a sense of pride and satisfaction in your accomplishments. So indulge yourself and make time at work fly by with well-deserved rewards.

8. Think Positively

Maintaining a positive mindset in the workplace can profoundly impact productivity levels. By focusing on the power of positive thinking, we can increase our motivation, creativity, and overall job satisfaction. In this article, we will explore some strategies to help cultivate a positive attitude and boost productivity.

1. Surround Yourself with Positivity

Creating a positive work environment can be as simple as playing upbeat music in the background. Research suggests that music can elevate mood and increase productivity. Additionally, incorporating inspiring quotes or desk pets can serve as small reminders to stay positive throughout the day.

2. Emphasize Accomplishments

Instead of focusing solely on the never-ending to-do list, focus on what you have accomplished. Celebrate the completion of tasks and recognize your achievements. This mindset cultivates a sense of accomplishment and fuels motivation to tackle future tasks.

3. Utilize Mood Trackers

Self-awareness plays a crucial role in maintaining a positive outlook. Consider using mood trackers to monitor your emotions and identify patterns. By understanding how certain factors affect your mood, you can better navigate challenges and maintain a positive demeanor even in high-pressure situations.

Thinking positively in the workplace enhances productivity and promotes a healthier and happier work environment. Embrace the power of positive thinking by incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, and watch your productivity and job satisfaction soar.

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