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Some users leave us messages that the document can only be exported in TXT or PDF form after using OCR. Or, during the PDF conversion process, if they import scanned or image-based PDFs, there is no way to convert them to editable documents. Based on this, we are extremely delighted to tell you that the latest version of PDF Reader Pro Windows V3.3.0 has been officially released and can solve this difficulty.
To learn more about the status of the update rollout, known issues, and new information, let's go on!

New Version 3.3.0 is Coming
PDF Reader Pro

OCR in PDF Conversion: Accurately extract the text
and images according to the original layout, and
support OCR Scanned PDFs in batch.

Optimize PDF Converter: Convert PDF to Word with
the option to retain the page layout or convert to flowing text.
Major Enhancement: OCR in PDF Conversion
This update is an enhancement to the PDF Reader Pro conversion part.
- Convert a scanned PDF to an editable PDF;
Convert a scanned PDF to an editable PDF. Accurately extract the text and images according to the original layout.
Support OCR Scanned PDFs in batch, simplify your workflow.
How It Works
These new functions can be operated easily. We're committed to making your document management as efficient and pain-free as possible. Here’s how:
- Convert a scanned PDF to an editable PDF
Step 1: Open your PDF document with PDF Reader Pro;
Step 2: Tap Converter in the toolbar, and click the target format such as To Word
, To PPT
, To Excel
, To Text, To RTF, or To HTML; ( The last three are in PDF To Others)
Step 3: In OCR Settings, if you want to perform the OCR, you can click the square Recognize text. You can choose the language that will be displayed after successful recognition according to your needs;
Step 4: Under the OCR Settings, choose the Page Range you want to apply OCR to the PDF;
Step 5: Click Convert and place it in any folder on your computer.
- Batch OCR in Conversion
Step 1: Open your PDF document with PDF Reader Pro;
Step 2: Tap Converter in the toolbar;
Step 3: Click Batch, and tap Add Files, select the PDF document you need to convert and OCR;
Step 4: Click Format to select the type of document to be transferred like Word, PPT, Excel, Text, RTF, and HTML;
Step 5: Tap Recognize Text and select the language type after OCR;
Step 6: Click Convert, and place it in any folder on your computer.
Why OCR in Conversion Matter
1. Simplify operation steps and improve efficiency
Without this enhancement, you can only use OCR to export PDF in TXT or PDF mode, or simply convert PDF to Word, Excel, PPT, and other modes. The emergence of this new enhancement can realize that you can complete OCR in the process of converting PDF to Word and other modes. The export mode is more comprehensive and the steps are easier. But you should pay attention to the final six modes, like Word, PPT, Excel, Text, RTF, and HTML.
2. The rise of OCR in the same type of industry
Many PDF editors already have OCR functions in their software, and OCR and file conversion functions can be realized. PDF Reader Pro can realize the combination of two functions on this basis, which can improve the core competitiveness of the product, benefit more users, and facilitate their work and life.
3. Ensure the data is correct and in an editable state
When documents are scanned, they’re typically saved in PDF format. This new way is great because it can convert to various forms(As mentioned in the Streamline... paragraph). At the same time, OCR can transfer data to new documents intact and enter an editable state.
In today's network era, PDF Reader Pro can meet in the offline state of the transcription process OCR, to a certain extent, to protect your data security, and to ensure personal privacy is not stolen.
Other New Feature: Optimize PDF Converter
1) Support for Layout settings in PDF to Word
- Retain Flowing Text: You can freely edit the text in the exported Word document.
- Retain Page Layout: You can adjust the entire paragraph by checking the text box where the text is located.
2) Support DPI settings in PDF to Image
In the process of converting PDF to Image (only to PNG and to JPEG), you can set the resolution of images in the settings; In the DPI Options drop-down bar, you can quickly select 50 dpi, 72 dpi, 96 dpi, 150 dpi, 300 dpi, and 600 dpi.
For example, the following images show the different effects when different resolutions are selected(600dpi vs 50dpi)
3) Support merge extraction form in PDF to CSV
In the process of converting PDF to CSV, PDF Reader Pro supports merge extraction forms. In the CSV Settings drop-down bar, you can choose to Create sheet for each table or Create a single sheet for each file.
Note: With this update, you can download your exported documents to a different location.
Common FAQs
Q: What is the difference between using OCR alone and during the converting process?
A: If using OCR alone, only TXT mode and PDF mode can be exported; If using OCR during the converting process, you can export six formats export, like Word, Excel, PPT, Text, RTF, and HTML.
Q: What is the purpose of using OCR?
A: What is OCR? OCR stands for "Optical Character Recognition." It is a technology that recognizes text within a digital image. It is commonly used to recognize text in scanned documents and images. OCR software can be used to convert a physical paper document, or an image into an accessible electronic version with text.
Q: How can I tell if my PDF is OCR searchable?
A: Open the PDF document in PDF Reader Pro and try to select any text on the page using a selection tool. If you can select a string of text and copy/paste it into a text editor (such as Notepad, Microsoft Word, or Outlook), then the document contains searchable text.
Q: How do I make text editable in PDF?
A: With OCR, PDF Reader Pro works as a text converter, exporting scanned PDF documents or images as text files or PDF files for editing, copying, and so on.
About PDF Reader Pro
PDF Reader Pro for Windows is an all-in-one PDF editor, including view, edit, annotate, convert, digital sign, and manage PDF files effortlessly to boost productivity and make the most of your PDF documents. It is available for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7.
During the use, we hope that you can contact us in time if there is a problem, and we will review your message and make improvements to our software. I believe that PDF Reader Pro will not disappoint you and look forward to your use and download!