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Is there an Education Offer available on Mac?

Is there an Education Offer available on Mac?

You can download and install the 7-days free trial to experience PDF Reader Pro with its full functionalities. After the trial period ends, you can decide whether you would like to purchase it.


1. PDF Reader Pro for Mac: Click Here to learn more and get 50% discount.

2. PDF Reader Pro for iOS: Click Here to get 50% off discount.(iOS version's discount now is only available on AppStore)

3. PDF Reader Pro for Windows: Sign in Windows Store with your education account, and you will get a certain discount. 


If you want to get bulk education offer, you can drop a line at [email protected], attached with your basic personal information, such as your name, your email, your institution name and etc, to verify your eligibility, and supply more information as below:

1. Do you want to purchase PDF Reader Pro for Mac or for iOS?

2. Do you need a PDF to Office service pack?

3. Do you need to buy one license or more? If you need more than 10 licenses, please contact [email protected] to get discounts. 

4. If you like, please write a good review for PDF Reader Pro free for Mac on Apple AppStore.

5. If you like, please give a nice review for PDF Reader Pro Free on Google Play.

6. If you like, please give a nice review for PDF Reader Pro - Annotate, Edit, View & Fill Forms on Microsoft Store.

7. Do you have a PayPal account, Alipay account or Wechat account? We will offer some discount, such as 50% discount. 


If it allows, please share the link, https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/product, on your social account like Facebook, Twitter and etc.
It is better if you can share the PDF Reader Pro to everyone, very grateful.



PDF Reader Pro is highly recommended by Educational AppStore. Click Here to learn more.


You can purchase only one license per platform of any PDF Reader Pro Student and Teacher Edition product. PDF Reader Pro Student and Teacher Edition products can be used only on your privately owned computer and cannot be resold.

Because of time difference between regions, the coupon code will be delivered within 24 hours. 

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