Actually, there are two sources you can purchase PDF Reader Pro: Microsoft Store and Website Store.
If you have a PayPal account, Paddle account, Payoneer, Alipay account, Wechat account, you can buy it from our Website Store;There you can use your Credit Card.
While, if you have an Apple ID, you may get it from Mac AppStore;
If you want to use another payment methods, please contact us via [email protected].
PDF Reader Pro supports Volume Purchase Program(VPP). According to the regulations of Apple AppStore, you need to purchase more than 20 apps to apply for the education discount. However, if you use PayPal and other payment methods to purchase directly from our official website, even if you only buy one copy, you can also enjoy the education discount. If you want more information, please click Here.
Note: Want to know the differences between the two sources? Click Here.