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Fitness Training Program PDF Template

What is a Fitness Training Program?

A fitness training program is a structured plan designed to help individuals achieve specific fitness goals. It typically includes a variety of exercises targeting different aspects of physical health such as strength, cardio, flexibility, and endurance. A well-rounded program provides a balanced approach to training, ensuring that all major muscle groups are engaged and that the individual can progressively improve their fitness level. By following a fitness training program, individuals can track their progress, stay motivated, and make consistent improvements to their overall health and fitness.


How to Fill in Our Fitness Training Program PDF Template

Follow these steps to fill in the Fitness Training Program template:

Client's Information

  • Date: Enter the start date of the training program.

  • Age: Enter the client’s age.

  • Gender: Enter the client’s gender.

  • Height (Feet/Inches): Enter the client’s height in feet and inches.

  • Weight (Pounds): Enter the client’s weight in pounds.

  • Chest (Inches): Enter the measurement of the client’s chest in inches.

  • Waist (Inches): Enter the measurement of the client’s waist in inches.

  • Body Fat: Enter the client's current body fat percentage.

  • Target Body Fat: Enter the client's target body fat percentage.

  • BMI: Enter the client's current Body Mass Index.

  • Target BMI: Enter the client's target Body Mass Index.

  • Name of Client: Enter the client's name.

  • Name of the Instructor/Trainer: Enter the trainer’s name.

  • Program Start Date: Enter the date the program begins.

  • Suggestions: Enter any suggestions or notes from the trainer.


  • Exercises: List the warm-up exercises.

  • Reps: Enter the number of repetitions for each warm-up exercise.

  • Wts (Lb): Enter the weight in pounds if applicable for each exercise.

  • Weeks: Enter the number of weeks the warm-up exercise will be performed.

  • Frequency: Enter how often the exercise should be done (e.g., daily, 3 times a week).

  • Start: Enter the start date for each warm-up exercise.


  • Exercises: List the strength exercises.

  • Reps: Enter the number of repetitions for each strength exercise.

  • Wts (Lb): Enter the weight in pounds for each exercise.

  • Weeks: Enter the number of weeks the strength exercise will be performed.

  • Frequency: Enter how often the exercise should be done.

  • Start: Enter the start date for each strength exercise.


  • Exercises: List the cardio exercises.

  • Reps: Enter the number of repetitions or duration for each cardio exercise.

  • Wts (Lb): Enter the weight in pounds if applicable for each exercise.

  • Weeks: Enter the number of weeks the cardio exercise will be performed.

  • Frequency: Enter how often the exercise should be done.

  • Start: Enter the start date for each cardio exercise.


  • Exercises: List the cool-down exercises.

  • Reps: Enter the number of repetitions for each cool-down exercise.

  • Wts (Lb): Enter the weight in pounds if applicable for each exercise.

  • Weeks: Enter the number of weeks the cool-down exercise will be performed.

  • Frequency: Enter how often the exercise should be done.

  • Start: Enter the start date for each cool-down exercise.

Program Tracking

  • Reps: Record the actual number of repetitions completed for each exercise.

  • Wts: Record the actual weight used for each exercise.

  • Diff: Calculate and enter the difference between the suggested and actual repetitions and weights.


  • Day: Record the day of the week.

  • Dates: Record the specific date for each training day.

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