By Naaziyah IsmailTue. 16 Jan. 20243min Read

How to Get a Book Published

How to Get a Book Published: Navigating from manuscript to market, a comprehensive guide for writers on securing a publisher and navigating the publishing process.
How to Get a Book Published

To publish a book involves navigating a complex maze within the publishing industry, from perfecting your manuscript to understanding the nuances of traditional publishers and literary agents.

This guide offers invaluable insights into crafting a compelling book title, identifying your target audience, and choosing the most suitable publishing option, whether you aspire to be a self-published author or aim for a deal with a prestigious publishing house.

Naaziyah Ismail
Blog Author - B2B SaaS Content Writer
Naaziyah has written many tutorials on apps and software such as, Jira, Asana, Trello, and PDF Reader Pro. She excels at engagingly simplifying complex processes.

Understanding Different Publishing Paths

The publishing industry offers various pathways for authors to bring their books to the audience, each with its unique set of advantages and challenges. Here's a detailed comparison of traditional publishing, hybrid publishing, and self-publishing:

Traditional Publishing

  • Pros:

    • Offers professional editing, cover design, and book production services.
    • Provides marketing and distribution channels, increasing the chance of book sales and visibility in stores like Barnes & Noble.
    • Carries prestige and validation, often seen in the success of authors like Stephen King.
  • Cons:

    • Highly competitive, often requiring a literary agent to get your book proposal noticed by major publishers.
    • Lengthy process from manuscript acceptance to book launch.
    • Authors have less control over aspects like book cover design and title.


Hybrid Publishing

  • Pros:

    • Offers a blend of traditional and self-publishing benefits, including professional editing and design services.
    • Allows more creative control for the author while providing some marketing and distribution support.
    • Lower barriers to entry compared to traditional publishing.
  • Cons:

    • Authors may need to invest financially in the publishing process.
    • Hybrid publishers vary greatly in reputation and quality of services.
    • Less prestige and industry recognition compared to traditional publishing houses.



  • Pros:

    • Full creative control over every aspect of the book, from writing style to cover design.
    • Faster route to publication; ideal for authors eager to get their book ready and available to readers.
    • Higher royalty rates compared to traditional publishing.
  • Cons:

    • Requires significant effort from the author in editing, design, marketing, and distribution.
    • Less access to brick-and-mortar bookstores and major retailers.
    • Self-published books may struggle to gain the same level of credibility and recognition as traditionally published books.


In conclusion, the choice between traditional, hybrid, and self-publishing depends on the author's goals, resources, and preferences.

While traditional publishing offers prestige and comprehensive support, self-publishing grants complete creative freedom and higher royalties.

Hybrid publishing sits in between, offering a mix of services and control. Each path requires careful consideration of the target audience, book title, and overall goals of the author.

Preparing Your Manuscript

Finalizing and polishing your manuscript is a crucial step in the journey to getting your book published. Here are some tips for refining your manuscript:

Tips for Finalizing and Polishing Your Manuscript

  1. Thorough Self-Editing: Before approaching beta readers or a professional editor, go through your manuscript carefully. Pay attention to your writing style, narrative flow, and consistency. Learn more about How to Write a Book!

  2. Feedback from Beta Readers: Gather a group of trusted beta readers who represent your target audience. Their feedback can provide invaluable insights, especially for elements like character development, plot coherence, and overall readability.

  3. Professional Editing: Investing in a professional book editor is crucial. An editor can provide objective, detailed critiques and suggestions, improving both the technical and creative aspects of your writing.

  4. Proofreading: After editing, thorough proofreading is essential to catch any remaining errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

  5. Finalize Your Book Title: Your title should be compelling and reflect the book's content. Consider using a book title generator or brainstorming sessions for creative ideas.

  6. Cover Design Considerations: The book cover is often the first thing potential readers see. Whether you're a self-published author or working with a publishing house, ensure your cover design is professional and appealing.


The Importance of Professional Editing and Proofreading

  • Raises Quality: Professional editing can significantly elevate the quality of your manuscript, making it more appealing to literary agents and traditional publishers.

  • Objective Perspective: An editor provides an objective viewpoint, identifying weaknesses in your manuscript that you might have missed.

  • Industry Standards: A well-edited book meets the publishing industry's standards, which is especially important if you're aiming for traditional publishing houses or major publishers.

  • Reduces Rejection Risk: Manuscripts with minimal errors and strong writing are less likely to end up in the slush pile, increasing the chances of securing a book deal.

  • Target Audience Appeal: Editing and proofreading ensure that the book resonates well with your intended audience, whether it's literary fiction, science fiction, contemporary fiction, or nonfiction books.


PDF Reader Pro can be a valuable tool in preparing your book manuscript in several ways:

  1. Document Organization: It allows you to easily organize and manage your manuscript documents, providing a seamless way to compile and navigate through various sections or chapters.

  2. Editing and Annotation: The software offers robust editing and annotation features. You can highlight text, add notes, and make necessary revisions directly within your manuscript PDF file.

  3. Conversion and Export: PDF Reader Pro enables you to convert your manuscript into different formats (like Word or ePub) and export it, which is helpful for submissions to agents, editors, or for self-publishing purposes.

    Get Started with PDF Reader Pro Today!

Efficiently prepare your manuscript using PDF Reader Pro on your Mac device!

Traditional Publishing Route

Navigating the traditional publishing route requires a strategi approach and an understanding of the industry's intricacies. Here's a guide to help authors through this process:


Researching and Selecting Suitable Publishers or Literary Agents

  1. Identify Your Genre: Understand where your book fits in the market. Whether it's literary fiction, science fiction, or nonfiction, this will guide you to the right publishers or agents.
  2. Research Publishers: Look for publishing houses that specialize in your genre. Major publishers like Simon & Schuster or niche houses both have specific tastes and audiences.
  3. Find Literary Agents: Agents act as intermediaries between authors and publishers. Use resources like literary agency listings to find agents who represent books similar to yours.
  4. Study Submission Guidelines: Each publisher and agent has unique submission guidelines. Ensure you adhere to these when preparing your submission.


Crafting a Compelling Query Letter and Book Proposal

  1. Query Letter: This is your first impression. It should include a brief, engaging pitch of your book, a short author bio, and why you think your book is a good fit for the agent or publisher.
  2. Book Proposal: Particularly for nonfiction books, a proposal should include an overview of your book, a table of contents, sample chapters, and information about your target audience and market potential.


Understanding the Submission Process and Typical Timelines

  1. Submission Process: Follow the agent's or publisher’s submission process meticulously. This often includes sending your query letter, book proposal, and sometimes a sample or entire manuscript.
  2. Waiting Period: The publishing industry is known for long waiting periods. It can take several months to hear back regarding your submission.
  3. Dealing with Rejection: Rejection is a common part of the process. Use any feedback to improve your submission for other agents or publishers.
  4. The Call: If an agent or publisher is interested, they will reach out to discuss the next steps. This could include requests for more material or discussions about a book deal.


Additional Considerations

  • Cover Design and Editing Process: While traditional publishers handle cover design and editing, having a well-polished manuscript and an idea for your book cover can be advantageous.
  • Understanding Contracts: If you receive an offer, thoroughly understand the terms of the contract, including royalties, rights, and the editing process.
  • Book Launch and Marketing: Publishers often manage the book launch and marketing, but authors are increasingly involved in promoting their books.

"Follow the agent's or publisher’s submission process meticulously. This often includes sending your query letter, book proposal, and sometimes a sample or entire manuscript."
Naaziyah Ismail
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Source: LinkedIn

Hybrid Publishing Route

Hybrid publishing blends elements of traditional and self-publishing, offering an alternative route for authors. Here's how to navigate this path:


Researching and Selecting Suitable Publishers or Literary Agents

  1. Understanding Hybrid Publishing: Recognize that hybrid publishing involves a partnership between the author and publisher, often requiring financial investment from the author for services like editing, cover design, and distribution.
  2. Research Reputable Hybrid Publishers: Look for hybrid publishers with a good track record, positive book reviews, and a clear explanation of their services and costs. Avoid publishers with a history of poor author satisfaction or hidden fees. (Manhattan Book Group, Seacoast Press, Hybrid Global Publishing)
  3. Seek Literary Agents Open to Hybrid Models: Some literary agents are open to hybrid publishing models and can guide you in selecting the right hybrid publisher. Use resources like industry blogs, online book market insights, and literary agency listings.
  4. Match Your Book with the Right Publisher: Ensure the hybrid publisher has experience with your genre, whether it's literary fiction, science fiction, or nonfiction. Check their published book list for titles similar to yours.


Understanding the Submission Process and Typical Timelines

  1. Submission Guidelines: Review the submission guidelines of the hybrid publisher or literary agent. This might include a detailed book proposal, sample chapters, or the entire manuscript.
  2. Expect Investment Discussions: Unlike traditional publishing, expect early discussions about financial contributions and services provided.
  3. Timeline: Hybrid publishing generally has a quicker timeline than traditional publishing. From submission to book launch, the process can be expedited, often taking a few months to a year.
  4. Negotiating Terms: Be prepared to negotiate terms regarding royalties, rights, and creative control. Unlike traditional publishing, you may have more say in aspects like cover design and final edits.


Additional Considerations

  • Quality Assurance: Ensure that the hybrid publisher provides professional-level editing, cover design, and book layout design services.
  • Marketing and Distribution: Understand what marketing and distribution efforts the publisher will undertake. Some hybrid publishers offer comprehensive services, while others may require more author involvement.
  • Financial Planning: Budget for the financial investment required in hybrid publishing, including any potential costs for additional resources like book promotion services or book launch guides.


Self-Publishing Route

The self-publishing route offers authors complete control over their publishing process, from book design to distribution and marketing. Here's an overview of how to navigate self-publishing platforms, format and upload your book, and understand pricing and royalties.



Self-Publishing Platforms

  1. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): Amazon's KDP is one of the most popular self-publishing platforms. It allows you to publish both eBooks and physical books and offers a wide reach due to Amazon's vast market.

  2. IngramSpark: IngramSpark is another excellent platform, especially for authors looking to have their physical books distributed widely. It's known for its extensive distribution network, reaching online retailers and brick-and-mortar bookstores.


Steps for Formatting, Designing, and Uploading Your Book

  1. Formatting Your Book: Ensure your manuscript is professionally formatted for both eBook and print versions. Tools like Reedsy Book Editor can be helpful for this step.

  2. Designing Your Book Cover: A compelling cover design is critical. You can design it yourself or hire a professional. Remember, your cover is the first impression your book makes on potential readers.

  3. Uploading Your Book: On platforms like KDP or IngramSpark, you'll upload your formatted manuscript and cover design. Be sure to fill out all necessary information like book title, description, and metadata to increase your book's discoverability.

  4. Preview and Test: Use the platform's preview tools to ensure everything looks as expected. This step is crucial to avoid any formatting issues.


Setting Prices and Understanding Royalties

  1. Setting the Right Price: Research your genre and target audience to set a competitive price. Price too high and you might discourage potential buyers; too low, and you might undervalue your work.

  2. Understanding Royalties: Each platform has its own royalty structure. For instance, KDP offers up to 70% royalties on eBooks priced between $2.99 and $9.99. Familiarize yourself with the royalty structure of the platform you choose.

  3. Consider Costs: If you're printing physical books, factor in the costs of printing when setting your price. IngramSpark, for example, has a print cost calculator to help with this.

  4. Ongoing Marketing: Unlike traditional publishing, in self-publishing, you're responsible for marketing and promoting your book. This includes blog posts, social media marketing, book reviews, and possibly book tours.


Creating a Marketable Book

Creating a marketable book is an essential aspect of the publishing process, whether you're a self-published author or working with a publishing house. Here are some strategies to consider:

Importance of an Attractive Book Cover and Professional Layout

  1. Book Cover Design: The cover is often the first thing a reader notices. It should be visually appealing, genre-appropriate, and professional. A well-designed cover can significantly impact a book's marketability and sales.
  2. Professional Layout: The interior layout of your book, including font choice, spacing, and chapter headings, should be professionally formatted. This enhances readability and gives your book a polished look, which is crucial for attracting readers and selling your book.




Strategies for Crafting an Engaging Book Blurb and Author Bio

  1. Writing an Engaging Blurb:

    • Highlight Key Themes: Briefly introduce the central themes or storyline of your book in a way that captures the reader’s interest.
    • Target Audience: Keep your target audience in mind. The blurb should appeal to the specific tastes and interests of your intended readers.
    • Intrigue and Curiosity: Create intrigue without giving away too much. The goal is to leave the reader wanting to know more.
  2. Crafting an Author Bio:

    • Professional yet Personal: Write in a tone that resonates with your readers. Include professional credentials if relevant, but also personal touches that make you relatable.
    • Relevant Experience: Mention any writing experience or expertise related to your book’s content.
    • Connection with Readers: Aim to establish a connection with your readers. Share something that makes you interesting or unique.


Building an Author Platform

Building an effective author platform is essential for authors, particularly those who choose the self-publishing route. This platform serves as a foundational element for your marketing and promotional strategy, helping you connect with your target audience and promote your book effectively.



Developing a Marketing and Promotional Strategy

  1. Identify Your Target Audience: Understand who your readers are. Tailoring your marketing to your specific audience increases the effectiveness of your promotional efforts.
  2. Set Clear Goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your book, whether it's a certain number of sales, gaining a following in a specific genre, or establishing yourself as an authority in a field.
  3. Develop a Plan: Your marketing plan should include a timeline for activities like book launches, blog posts, and promotional events. Consider using resources like a book launch checklist or guide.


Utilizing Social Media

  1. Choose Relevant Platforms: Select social media platforms where your target audience is most active. For some, it might be Instagram or Twitter, while others might find more engagement on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn.
  2. Engage Regularly: Regular engagement is key. Post content that resonates with your audience, engages in conversations, and builds relationships with your followers.
  3. Promote Your Book: Use social media to share news about your book, upcoming events, and snippets of content. Remember to balance promotional content with engaging, non-sales content.


Creating an Author Website

  1. Professional Design: Your website should be professionally designed, easy to navigate, and reflective of your brand as an author.
  2. Content: Include sections like an about page, your book(s) information, a blog, and contact information. Regularly update your blog with content relevant to your book and interests.
  3. SEO Optimization: Optimize your website for search engines to improve visibility. Use relevant keywords related to your book title, genre, and topics.



  1. Connect with Other Authors: Networking with other authors can lead to opportunities for cross-promotion, joint events, and valuable support.
  2. Attend Literary Events: Participate in book fairs, readings, and other literary events to connect with potential readers, literary agents, and publishers.
  3. Join Online Communities: Engage in online forums, writing groups, and platforms like Goodreads to build your network.

"The cover is often the first thing a reader notices. It should be visually appealing, genre-appropriate, and professional."
Naaziyah Ismail
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Source: LinkedIn

Navigating the Publishing Process

Navigating the publishing process, particularly in the realm of traditional publishing, can be challenging and often involves facing rejections and understanding complex contracts. Here are some tips and insights to help you through this journey:

Handling Rejections in Traditional Publishing

  1. Rejection Is Not Personal: It's crucial to understand that a rejected manuscript is not a comment on your talent or potential. Publishers and literary agents often have specific needs or market considerations, and a rejection might simply mean your work didn't fit their current criteria​​.

  2. Learn from Rejections: Many renowned authors faced multiple rejections before finding success. J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, and Margaret Mitchell are just a few examples of writers who persisted despite rejections. Use these as opportunities to improve your work and continue honing your craft​​.

  3. Maintain a Positive Attitude: It's easy to feel discouraged, but staying positive and persistent is key. Understand that rejections are a common part of the author's journey and not a reflection of your worth as a writer​​​.

  4. Feedback is a Gift: If you receive detailed feedback, consider it valuable for improving your manuscript. Even a standard rejection can be a prompt to review and refine your work​.


Understanding Contracts and Rights

  1. In Traditional Publishing: When dealing with traditional publishers, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the contract. Pay attention to clauses regarding royalties, rights (including digital and international rights), and the duration of the contract. It's often advisable to consult with a literary agent or a legal professional to ensure your interests are adequately protected.

  2. In Self-Publishing: In self-publishing, you typically retain most of the rights to your work, but it's important to understand the terms of service of platforms like Amazon KDP or IngramSpark. Be clear about how royalties are calculated, distribution channels, and any exclusivity clauses (e.g., Amazon's KDP Select program).


Marketing and Promoting Your Book

Marketing and promoting your book is a crucial step in the publishing process, whether you're a traditionally published author or self-published. Both routes have unique challenges and opportunities, and here are some key tactics to consider:



For Traditionally Published Authors:

  1. Work with Your Publisher: Utilize the support provided by your publisher, including PR representatives who can liaise with media outlets, influencers, and booksellers. Remember, marketing is a joint venture where both you and your publisher invest efforts​​.

  2. Engage in Social Media: Share your publisher's posts about your book and use their reputation to boost your own. Consistent and engaging social media presence helps in building a connection with your readers​​.

  3. Set Up Book Tours: Book tours, both physical and virtual, are effective in maintaining interest in your book after the initial release buzz. Consider teaming up with other authors to reduce costs and increase reach​​.

  4. Build Relationships with Readers: Direct interaction with readers through social media and events helps in building a loyal fanbase. Engage with fan-generated content and respond to your readers personally​​.

  5. Organize Giveaways and Leverage ARCs: Use giveaways to engage your audience and distribute Advance Reading Copies (ARCs) to reviewers and booksellers for pre-release hype. Collaborate with your publisher to maximize the distribution and impact of ARCs​​.


For Self-Published Authors:

  1. Understand Your Audience: Identifying and understanding your target audience is the first step in an effective marketing plan. This helps in tailoring your marketing efforts to the right group of readers.

  2. Use Book Marketing Platforms: Platforms like BookBub offer a range of marketing opportunities, including featured deals, ads, and price promotions. They can effectively increase your book’s visibility and sales​​.

  3. Leverage Social Media Platforms: Choose the right social media platforms where your audience is most active. Engage with your audience regularly, share updates about your book, and respond to their interactions.

  4. Run Price Promotions: Discounting your books temporarily or making them free for a period can be an effective strategy to boost sales and visibility. It's important to plan the timing and pricing of these promotions carefully​​.

  5. Analyze Results and Adapt: Regularly analyze the results of your marketing campaigns to understand what works best for your book. This includes monitoring sales, ad performance, and audience engagement.


You can also check our recommendations on How to Get a Children's Book Published.

"Regularly analyze the results of your marketing campaigns to understand what works best for your book. This includes monitoring sales, ad performance, and audience engagement."
Naaziyah Ismail
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Source: LinkedIn

Legal and Financial Considerations

Understanding the legal and financial aspects of publishing is crucial for authors, whether you're self-publishing or going through a traditional publisher.

Understanding Copyright, ISBNs, and Other Legal Aspects

  1. Copyright: Copyright is a legal protection for the original creative work, granting the creator exclusive rights to print, publish, perform, or record the work. This protection is automatically in place the minute the work is created, but it is recommended to register it with the relevant copyright office (such as the U.S. Copyright Office) to ensure legal protection and enforcement rights​​.

  2. ISBN: The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique identifier for books, important for marketing and cataloging. It does not grant or imply any legal rights or protection. ISBNs are unique to each edition of a book and are obtained by the publisher. If you are self-publishing, you have the option to buy your own ISBNs or use the free ISBN provided by platforms like Amazon KDP. However, using a platform's free ISBN might limit your distribution options​​​​.

  3. LCCN and PCN: The Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) is a number that can be requested by U.S. publishers prior to publication, primarily for cataloging purposes. It's not mandatory but adds a level of professionalism to your book. The Preassigned Control Number (PCN) Program enables advance assignment of LCCNs, which is particularly useful for books that might be added to the Library of Congress's collections​​.

Budgeting and Financial Planning for Self-Publishing Authors

  1. Budgeting for Production Costs: Factor in costs for editing, cover design, formatting, and potentially purchasing ISBNs. If you're planning for a print edition, include printing costs in your budget.

  2. Marketing and Promotion Expenses: Allocate funds for marketing activities such as social media ads, book tours, promotional giveaways, and attending literary events.

  3. Understanding Royalties and Sales: Familiarize yourself with the royalty structure of platforms you'll use for selling your book. Consider the price point of your book in relation to your target audience and competition.

  4. Investment in Quality: Remember that investing in professional services (like editing and cover design) can significantly improve the marketability of your book, potentially leading to better sales.

  5. Long-term Financial Planning: Plan for the long term, considering ongoing costs for marketing and potential updates to your book.

Publishing Your Book: FAQ

How Long Does Publishing Take?

  • Traditional Publishing: 1-2 years post-contract.
  • Self-Publishing: This can be quicker; it depends on manuscript readiness.


Do I Need an Agent?

For traditional publishing, especially with major publishers, yes. Not required for self-publishing.

What Are the Costs of Self-Publishing?

Costs vary but include editing, cover design, formatting, and potentially marketing.

Should I Publish in Print or Digital?

Depends on your audience. E-books are essential, but print is valuable for certain genres.

How Do I Protect My Book's Rights?

Copyright is automatic. For traditional publishing, understand contract terms regarding rights.

Can I Write in Multiple Genres?

Yes, but market each genre appropriately.

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