Quick Guide for iOS

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How to Fill out PDF Forms on iPhone and iPad?


With PDF Reader Pro for iOS, you can easily fill out interactive forms and sign documents anywhere, using your finger or Apple Pencil.


Follow the step-by-step instructions to fill in interactive forms:

1. Open the PDF form with PDF Reader Pro for iOS;

2. If the form is interactive, you will see blue message bars indicating the presence of fillable fields that you can input information:

   1) Text Fields – Click on the text field and you can start entering details;

   2) Checkbox and Radio Button – Just tick the right box or button and make your choice;

   3) Listbox and Combobox – Both are available to select from a list of items;

   4) Buttons – Trigger actions for these buttons to print, send email, or reset your form;

3. Your work will be saved automatically once you finish filling, and all the fields are still editable;

4. (Optional) You can also click 图标/light_ic_more2.png at the top right corner and choose Reset Form to revert to the original form;


PDF Reader Pro provides hundreds of free templates for various industries. Click here to explore more and download as needed.


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