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Can I Deploy PDF Reader Pro Package via Microsoft Intune?

Intune deployment refers to the process of implementing and configuring Microsoft Intune, a cloud-based mobile device management (MDM) and mobile application management (MAM) solution. Intune allows organizations to manage and secure mobile devices, PCs, and applications from a centralized web-based console. 


The following steps guide to help you deploy our PDF Reader Pro via Microsoft Intune. 


Please note: Deployment is not one-size-fits-all, every enterprise is different. This guide should only be used as a reference and not literal. 


Deploy Using Windows App(Win32)

Prerequisites: Please refer to this article by Microsoft. Any prerequisite listed there would also apply to this scenario. 


1. Create two folders in your PC, one named Input and another one Output;

      For example: "C:\PDF Reader Pro\Input" and "C:\PDF Reader Pro\Output"


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2. Download Microsoft's Win32 Content Prep Tool to convert the installation files into the .intunewin format;

3. Run the Win32 Content Prep Tool (IntuneWinAppUtil.exe) via CMD as an Administrator. This will create your .intunewin file. 

    • Important: The Input folder should only contain the MSI file. 


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    • Please specify the source folder: -> Enter the path to the Input Folder created in Step 1


    • Please specify the setup file: -> Enter the path to PDF Reader Pro MSI


    • Please specify the output folder: -> Enter the path to the Output folder created in Step 1


    • Do you want to specify catalog folder (Y/N)?: -> N


    • Wait for the process to finish.


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4. Open Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin centre and navigate to Apps > Windows apps;

5. Select "+ Add" to add a new app;

6. Select App type: Windows app (Win32);


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7. Upload the .intunewin file created in Step 2;

    • App information 

      1. Name: PDF Reader Pro

      2. Description: Enter a description.

      3. Publisher: PDF Technologies, Inc.

      4. App version: Will be automatically populated. 

      5. Category: We recommend "Productivity."

      6. Show this as a featured app in the Company Portal?: We recommend "Yes".

      7. Information URL: We recommend this link

      8. Privacy URL: We recommend this link

      9. Developer: PDF Technologies, Inc.

      10. Owner: Name of person in your organization who manages licensing for this app. 

      11. Logo: Attached to this article.


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    • Program

    • Install command: Intune will automatically populate an install command, but it will not include the call to MST. So we recommend inputting the script like:

        • msiexec /i "PDF Reader Pro.msi" /qn

        • Extremely important: TEST the install script. If it doesn't work on your computer, it will not work on Intune. 
        • ”{4FAA3CBA-6E2A-4AEC-BACE-2E36B57C003A} " is the installation package name, which is different for each installation package. After adding an application to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, it will automatically fill in the uninstallation command

            -> Install Behavior: Will be automatically selected by Intune

            -> Device restart behavior: No specific action

            -> Return codes: leave as is


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  • Requirements

    1. Operating system architecture: PDF Reader Pro supports both 32-bit and 64-bit.

    2. Minimum operating system: PDF Reader Pro supports Windows 7+ 

    3. Disk space required: Optional. Our minimum requirement is 2000 MB

    4. Physical memory required: Optional. Our minimum requirement is: 512 MB

    5. Minimum number of logical processors required: Optional

    6. Minimum CPU speed required (MHz): Optional. Our minimum requirement is: 1300

    7. Additional requirements: Optional.


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  • Detection rules

    1. Manually configure detection rules

    2. Rule type: MSI (recommended) 

    3. MSI Product code: will automatically populate. 

    4. MSI product version check: No


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  • Dependencies

           None required

  • Supersedence


  • Assignment

            Add your assignments. We recommend making the app Available to all users in your Enterprise. 

  • Review + create

           Double-check your scripts. If the install/uninstall scripts don't work on your computer, they will not work on Intune. 

8. Click on Create. Intune will notify you once the app is ready. 


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All done. The app will now be available in the Company Portal for the Assigned users/groups/devices.


Note: It could take up to three hours for the app to show in the Company Portal.



For issues with steps 1 or 4, please escalate to your manager

For issues with steps 3, 5-9, contact Microsoft 


Deploy With Line-of-business App

Prerequisites: Please refer to this article by Microsoft. Any prerequisite listed there would also apply to this scenario. 


1. Open Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center and navigate to Apps > Windows apps;

2. Select "+ Add" to add a new app;

3. Select App type: Line-of-business app;

4. App information:

    • Name: PDF Reader Pro

    • Description: Enter a description.

    • Publisher: PDF Technologies, Inc.

    • App install context: Will be automatically selected. 

    • Ignore app version: No

    • Command-line arguments: We recommend you add: /quiet 

    • Category: We recommend "Productivity."

    • Show this as a featured app in the Company Portal?: We recommend "Yes"

    • Information URL: We recommend this link

    • Privacy URL: We recommend this link

    • Developer: PDF Technologies, Inc.

    • Owner: Name of person in your organization who manages licensing for this app. 

    • Logo: Attached to this article

5. Assignment

    Add your assignments. We recommend making the app Available to all users in your Enterprise. 

6. Review + create

    Review your configuration.

7. Click on Create. Intune will notify you once the app is ready. 

All done. The app will now be available in the Company Portal for the Assigned users/groups/devices.


Note: It could take up to three hours for the app to show in the Company Portal.



For issues with steps 1-7, please contact Microsoft.


pdf reader pro icon


Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you need to deploy PDF Reader Pro via Microsoft Intune.

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