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SCCM Deployments of PDF Reader Pro

SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) deployments refer to the process of using the SCCM tool to deploy and manage software, updates, and configuration settings across a network of devices within an organization. SCCM is a Microsoft product that provides centralized control and automation for managing the configuration, deployment, and security of devices running Windows operating systems.


This article guides you through the process of creating an SCCM package to deploy PDF Reader Pro.

Please note: Deployment is not one-size-fits-all, every enterprise is different. This guide should only be used as a reference and not literal. 



Organizations looking to customize PDF Reader Pro before deploying it to their knowledge workers. 


In this article:



SCCM deployments support the following licensing options:

  • Shared device licensing


Create an SCCM package

Creating an SCCM package is a two-step process. First create a new SCCM package, then create install and uninstall programs. We will walk you through both steps:

Step 1-- Create a new SCCM package

  • 1.1-- Open the New Package wizard.
    • Open the SCCM console.

    • Navigate to Computer Management > Software Distribution > Packages.

    • Right-click Packages, choose New, then click Package.


  • 1.2-- In the New Package Wizard, name the new SCCM package.

      On the General tab:

    • Enter the name of the new SCCM package in the Name field. This field is required.

    • You can also enter values for the optional Version, Manufacturer, Language, and Comment fields.

    • Click Next.


  • 1.3-- Specify the data source for the SCCM package.

      On the Data Source tab:

    • Select This Package Contains Source Files.

    • Click Set to the right of the Source Directory field. In the Set Source Directory dialog, select the type of path you want to use (UNC or local) and browse for or type in the path to the Build folder that contains the .msi file and supporting folders. Click OK.

    • On the Data Source tab, the path you just selected will show in the Source Directory field. Below that field, select Always obtain files from the source directory.

    • Set the other choices as appropriate, then click Next.


  • 1.4-- Specify where the SCCM package will be stored on distribution points.

      On the Data Access tab, select Access the distribution folder through common ConfigMgr package share, and then click Next.

      Specify distribution settings.

    • On the Distribution Settings tab, choose a sending priority. Select the Preferred Sender, if desired. Select other settings as appropriate, then click Next.

    • On the Reporting tab, select settings as appropriate, then click Next.

    • On the Security tab, select settings as appropriate, then click Next.


  • 1.5-- View the new SCCM package summary.
    • Review all the settings for the new SCCM package. If you need to change anything, use the Previous buttons to do so and then the Next buttons to get back to this screen.

    • Click Next. The Confirmation tab is displayed.

    • Click Close to terminate package creation.


Step 2-- Create install and uninstall programs for the SCCM package

PDF Reader Pro is a single MSI file, which you use for both installation and uninstallation of the product or suite.

If you want, you can create two separate SCCM programs for an installation package: one for installation and another for uninstallation. Name these programs to make it obvious to the users on the target systems who choose what the commands will do.

  • 2.1-- Open the New Program wizard.
    • From the SCCM console, navigate to Computer Management > Software Distribution > Packages.

    • Select the SCCM package you just created.

    • Under it, select Programs > New > Program.


  • 2.2-- In the New Program wizard, specify the command line for the program.

      On the General tab:

    • Enter a descriptive name (such as install_PDFReaderPro or uninstall_PDFReaderPro) in the Name field, and an explanatory comment that describes what the program does.
    • Click Browse. In the Open File dialog, choose the file type All Files (*.*), then browse to and select the MSI file. The details of this step vary for each command you create.
    •  For the install package, browse to your .MSI file.
    • When you return to the New Program wizard, append appropriate flags or options to the command after the filename in the Command Line text box.
    • You must use the silent parameter for unattended installation.

                Sample Install script 

                msiexec /i "Path_To_Installer" log /quiet

                NOTE: Test the script, if unsuccessful on your PC, then it will fail on SCCM.

    • For more details on using this command, see Deploy using command line.
    • For the uninstall package, browse to your .MSI file.
    • For the uninstall package, use the msiexec command with the /uninstall parameter.

                  Sample Uninstall Script:

                  msiexec.exe /uninstall PDF Reader Pro.msi /quiet

                NOTE: Test the script, if unsuccessful on your PC, then it will fail on SCCM.


  • 2.3-- On the Environment tab:
    • In the Program Can Run field, select Whether or not a user is logged in.

    • In the Run mode section, select Run with administrative rights. Be sure Allow users to interact with this program is turned OFF.


  • 2.4-- Set fields on the Advanced, Windows Installer, and MOM Maintenance tabs as appropriate, and click Next.


  • 2.5-- Review the information on the summary screen. If you need to change anything, do so now. Then, from this screen, click Next. The Wizard Completed screen will appear. Click Close to terminate program creation.


Select Distribution Points for the SCCM Package

  • 3.1-- Open the New Distribution Points wizard.
    • In the SCCM console, navigate to Computer Management > Software Distribution > Packages.

    • Select the SCCM package you just created.

    • Under it, select Distribution Points > New Distribution Points. This displays an introductory screen. Click Next.


  • 3.2-- In the New Distribution Points wizard, select the distribution points to which you want to copy the SCCM package.

It is assumed that at this point the distribution points you want to use for this SCCM package have already been created. You can select one or more distribution points for this package.


  • 3.3-- View the Wizard Completed screen and click Close.


Advertise the SCCM Package Programs

Follow the directions in this section once for each SCCM package program you want to advertise.

These directions assume you already have a collection with target systems where you will advertise the SCCM package programs.

  • 4.1-- Open the Distribute Software to Collection wizard.
    • In the SCCM console, navigate to Computer Management > Collections.

    • Locate the collection you want to use to advertise this SCCM package.

    • Right-click on the collection name and choose Distribute > Software.


  • 4.2-- In the Distribute Software to Collection wizard, choose the SCCM package to advertise.

      On the Package tab:

    • Turn on Select an existing package.

    • Click the Browse button next to the text field. In the Select a Package dialog, locate the desired SCCM package and select it. Then click OK. Your selection will appear in the text field on the Package tab.

    • Click Next.


  • 4.3-- Make sure you have chosen the distribution points to which you want to copy the SCCM package.

On the Distribution Points tab, select the distribution point(s) you want to use to distribute this SCCM package. Then click Next.


  • 4.4-- Select the SCCM package program to advertise.

      On the Select Program tab:

    • The SCCM package name and its programs are displayed. In the Programs: area, select the program you wish to advertise.

    • Click Next.


  • 4.5-- Set advertisement characteristics.

      On the Advertisement Name tab:

    • Enter a name for the advertisement in the Name field.

    • Optionally, enter a comment that describes the advertisement in the Comment field.

    • Click Next.

      On the Advertisement Subcollection tab:

    • The name of the collection you chose for this advertisement is displayed in the Collection field. Choose whether you want this advertisement to be sent to any subcollections of this collection. The results of your choice are displayed in the field at the bottom of the tab.

    • Click Next.

      On the Advertisement Schedule tab:

    • Set the date and time you want the advertisement to occur.

    • Specify whether the advertisement will expire. If you want it to expire, set the expiration date and time.

    • Make any other settings as necessary and click Next.

      On the Assign Program tab:

    • Choose whether you want running this program to be mandatory. If you do, specify the date and time to force its execution. Notice the advertisement date from the previous tab is displayed here.

    • Set an expiration date if you want.

    • Choose other options as desired.

    • Click Next.


  • 4.6-- View the summary screen for the advertisement.
    • Review the information on the summary screen. If you need to change anything, do it now. Then, from this screen, click Next.

    • The Wizard Completed screen will appear. Click Close to terminate advertisement creation.

When the SCCM package is advertised, the Windows toolbar of the target machines displays a notification that a program is scheduled to run.



  • For help with #1 (Preparation) feel free to contact us.

  • For help with #2-6 please contact Microsoft directly.


Instructions related to Shared Device License Deployment

• Shared Device License applies to educational institutes.

• Shared Device License can be used in classrooms and labs on shared computers.

• PDF Reader Pro Team Plan can be used as a Shared Device License.

• If the PDF Reader Pro team discovers that the Shared Device License is being used non-compliantly, we reserve the right to take legal action.


If you want to deploy PDF Reader Pro on your devices/platforms or have any questions, feel free to Contact Us and fill out the form.

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