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How to Activate PDFTech Editor Automatically via Microsoft Intune?

The following steps guide to help you activate PDFTech Editor automatically via Microsoft Intune


Please note: Deployment is not one-size-fits-all, every enterprise is different. This guide should only be used as a reference and not literal.


Cloud-based deployment via InTune is available as a "line-of-business app". If you choose to deploy this way, then it is advised to use the MSI installers, as they are discrete (the 32-bit MSI installers will not run on a 64-bit OS, and vice versa). If you want to deploy via InTune, set up a 'line-of-business app" and use the Command-line arguments field to pass licensing options (and any other options you might want to include). You can pass any option that the MSI can take at the command line in this manner.


Prerequisites: Please refer to this article by Microsoft. Any prerequisite listed there would also apply to this scenario. 


The PDFTech Editor MSI installer is available here.


If you are licensing the products then you need to pass the key. SERIALKEY is recommended as it avoids the need to distribute the key as a file, which is required when SERIALKEYFILE is used instead.


  1. Go to Microsoft Endpoint Manager Admin Center and navigate to Apps > Windows apps;

  2. Select "+ Add" to add a new app;

  3. Select App type: Line-of-business app;

  4. App information 

    • Name:  PDFTech Editor will be loaded by default.

    • Description: Enter a description.

    • Publisher: PDF Technologies, Inc

    • App install context: Will be automatically selected. 

    • Ignore app version: No

    • Command-line arguments: SERIALKEY="XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

    • Category: We recommend "Productivity."

    • Show this as a featured app in the Company Portal?: We recommend "Yes"

    • Information URL: We recommend this link.

    • Privacy URL: We recommend this link.

    • Developer: PDF Technologies, Inc

    • Owner: Name of person in your organization who manages licensing for this app. 

    • Logo: PDFTech Editor Logo.png



     5. Assignment

         Add your assignments. We recommend making the app available to all users in your enterprise. 

     6. Review + create

         Review your configuration

     7. Click on Create. Intune will notify you once the app is ready. 


All done. The app will now be available in the Company Portal for the Assigned users/groups/devices.


PDFTech Editor    

Note: The app could take up to three hours to show in the Company Portal.


Please note that licenses will fail if the key contains extraneous characters. If keys are pasted from a formatted page then line feed and carriage return characters will often be included, so please ensure that these are removed. Licenses should be displayed as a single line when word wrapping is turned off in Notepad.


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