By Teddy CipollaFri. 08 Dec. 20233min Read

How to Enable Confluence Export to PDF

Master the Confluence export PDF process and take control of your full Confluence experience. As powerful as Confluence is, sometimes you need a PDF version of your page.
How to Enable Confluence Export to PDF

This guide is meticulously crafted to help you navigate enabling and executing PDF exports in Confluence.

Follow the step-by-step instructions for project managers, content creators, and team members who want to distribute information outside the Confluence ecosystem.

Theodore Cipolla
Blog Author - B2B SaaS Content Marketer
Theodore is a B2B SaaS Content Marketer with over ten years of experience. He is passionate about helping professionals appreciate the value of tools quickly.

How to Enable Confluence Export to PDF

Step 1: Find your Confluence page

Click on "Content", and choose the Confluence Page.

Image source: Atlassian

Step 2: Find "Export"

Click on the "three dots icon" in the top-right corner of your screen.

Image source: Atlassian

Step 3: Export

Head down to "Export" and then click "Export to PDF".

Image source: Atlassian

Step 4: Download

Wait for the conversion process to end, then download your PDF

“As a content creator, having a reliable PDF reader and editor is crucial. PDF Reader Pro’s editing and conversion tools help me easily navigate tasks for every client.”
Megon Venter
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Source: LinkedIn

Troubleshooting Exporting Issues in Confluence

Troubleshooting exporting issues in Confluence when generating PDFs can be helpful by addressing common problems. Here’s how you can resolve typical exporting issues:

1. Incomplete or Failed Exports

  • Permissions: Ensure all users have the necessary permissions.
  • Content Size: Break down large pages into smaller segments.
  • Server Resources: Check if server resources are adequate for the task.


2. Formatting Issues

  • Stylesheet Errors: Adjust the custom PDF stylesheets for proper formatting.
  • Macro Rendering: Verify that macros are compatible with PDF exports.
  • Image Resolutions: Optimize images for web use to ensure they export correctly.


3. Missing Content

  • Dynamic Content: Replace dynamic macro-generated content with static alternatives if necessary.
  • Content Restrictions: Remove any restrictions that might block content from exporting.


4. Performance Issues

  • Optimize Content: Simplify pages by reducing macro use and optimizing images.
  • Batch Exports: Export in smaller batches to reduce system strain.


5. Error Messages

  • Log Files: Check Confluence log files for errors.
  • Update and Compatibility: Ensure all software and plugins are up-to-date and compatible.


6. User Interface Issues

  • Browser Compatibility: Try different browsers or update your current browser.


7. PDF Customization Limitations

  • Understand Limitations: Recognize the bounds of Confluence’s PDF export customization capabilities.


These steps can help effectively troubleshoot and resolve issues related to PDF export in Confluence, enhancing your document management and distribution processes. If problems continue, consulting Atlassian support or community forums may provide further assistance.

Once you've exported your Confluence page to PDF, use PDF Reader Pro to view and manage your PDFs!

As a content writer, I rely extensively on PDF Reader Pro for all my PDF-related needs.This versatile tool is indispensable for efficiently reviewing, editing, and managing documents.

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Its features support my writing process from the initial draft to the final review, allowing me to focus on crafting high-quality content while effortlessly managing my documents.

"Using PDF Reader Pro has made my daily workday so much easier. I can do everything I need, like combining files or adding notes, all in one place. It speeded my document management and every task I work on."
Johan Müller
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Source: LinkedIn

How to Enable Confluence Export to PDF: FAQ

How Does the Confluence Export Engine Affect the PDF Document?

The Confluence export engine plays a crucial role in converting Confluence pages into PDF documents. It determines how content is translated from the web-based Confluence format into a PDF's structured layout. This includes interpreting the markup, styling, and embedded content to ensure they are correctly reflected in the final PDF.

Can I Customize the PDF Stylesheet for Specific Layout Needs?

Yes, customization of PDF stylesheets is possible in Confluence. You can modify the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) properties to alter your PDF document's default layout and appearance. This includes changes to font styles, sizes, headers, footers, and even the addition of CSS @Page rules for specific paper sizes.

What Are the Default CSS Rules for Confluence PDF Export?

Confluence comes with a set of default CSS rules that dictate how the content is formatted when exported to a PDF. These rules cover basic styling such as font sizes, margins, and the layout of elements like tables and lists. You can view and modify these rules to better suit your document’s needs.

How Can I Customize the PDF Layout for a Printable User Manual?

To create a printable user manual, you can customize the PDF layout by adjusting the size property and margins to ensure it fits the intended paper size. Additionally, consider using the CSS: first pseudo-class to style the first page differently and define leader characters in your table of contents for easier navigation.

Are There Any Notes on Restrictions When Exporting to PDF from Confluence?

Yes, when exporting Confluence pages to PDF, there are some restrictions to note. These include limitations on the export size, memory usage, and potential issues with complex layouts or large numbers of images. It's also important to be aware of the limitations of PDF document formatting compared to the dynamic content possible in Confluence.

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