Quick Guide for Mac

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How to Change the Language of PDF Reader Pro for Mac?

The full list of the LANGUAGES we currently support is: 

German, English(UK), English(US), Spanish, French, Italy, Japnese, Portuguese, Russian, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.


PDF Reader Pro follows system language as default, if you want to change the app language once only, please go to System Preferences... -> Language & Region.



If you want to change the language of PDF Reader Pro for Mac, please follow these steps: Launch Terminal app and do the following while in Terminal app:


- for the App Store version:

  defaults write com.brother.pdfreaderprofree.mac AppleLanguages '("fr_FR")'


- for the website version:

 defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.brother.pdfreaderprofree.mac.plist AppleLanguages '("fr_FR")'


Here 'fr_FR' can be translated as: 'fr' – French language; 'FR' – country – France.currency symbol, etc.


The full list of the languages we currently support is: en, zh_CN, zh_TW, ja, it, de, fr, es, ru, cs, pl.


To find the current locale, one can type the following command in Terminal:

defaults read -g AppleLocale



To determine the bundle identifier, run

mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier /Applications/Mail.app

Or directly in one command:

defaults write $(mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -raw /Applications/Mail.app) AppleLanguages '("en-UK")'


Or just run once one application with another language :

/Applications/iCal.app/Contents/MacOS/iCal -AppleLanguages '(de)'
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