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Can I Add Page Numbers to a PDF Doc.?

Q: Can I add page numbers to a pdf doc.?

A: Yes, you can add them to a PDF doc. as a header or footer.


When you view a PDF document without page numbers, you may feel a bit confused. Adding page numbers can make this document look more organized, and it can also guide you to a specific area to quickly access the information you want, increase your efficiency.


So, how to add page numbers to a PDF doc.? The steps are as follows:

1. Click Editor on the toolbar -> Header & Footer -> Add Header & Footer;



2. Or click Tools on the main menu -> Header & Footer -> Add Header & Footer;



3. Then you can choose the Page format and Start Page Number;



4. Click the plus button near the location options where you want to add the page number to, and then select Insert Page Number;

5. Tap Apply to save it. The page numbers you set will show in the location you selected.


Note: After you add page numbers, you can select Add to Template and name the template so that you can easily apply it next time.

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