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How to Create Outlines?

With PDF Reader Pro, you can easily create or edit an outline by adding, deleting, renaming, and reordering the items, and promoting and demoting an item for quick navigation of the content. 


Add a New Outline

If you do not have an outline in your file yet, you should create a new outline first.

1. Click Outline  on the left side;

2. Turn to the needed page and tap plus icon + on the top of the panel to add an outline item for the current page; 



3. If you want to add a sub-item, turn to the needed page and right-click the item where you want to put a sub-item -> click Add Sub-Item.



Edit Outline

If you have already got an outline in your document, you can modify the outline by doing the following.

1. Reorder Items: Drag and drop the item to where you want to put it. 

2. Promote or Demote Items: Right-click the item, tap Promote to upgrade the item to a higher level, or tap Demote to downgrade the item to a lower level.

3. Rename Item: Right-click the item and select Rename, or double-click the item to rename.

4. Change Destination: 

        1) To change the navigation page of the item, turn to the target page, right-click the item and choose Change Destination

        2) To navigate the item to a website or an email, right-click the item and choose Edit -> tick URL or Email.



5. Add a page to a higher level: For example, if you want to create an item for Page 2 and set it as a higher-level tag to Page 3, You can turn to Page 2 and right-click the item of Page 3, then choose Add to a Higher Level.


Delete Outline

1. To remove a single item, you can easily right-click the item, and choose Remove;

2. To remove all the items, Click More on the top right corner of the panel, then select Remove All Outlines.


Search Outline

1. Click Outline on the left side;

2. Tap Search  on the top and input the words in the box, then the search results will appear below.

Not only can you create an outline for navigation, but bookmarks are also available for you. Overall, PDF Reader Pro is a powerful PDF reader that can give you a convenient reading experience. Download PDF Reader Pro to view your document

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