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How to Present PDF in Slideshow Mode?

After viewing PDFs in Slideshow mode, PDF Reader Pro will only show the document, which means all the toolbars, task panels, and tab/window controls are hidden. The slideshow mode is usually used for presentation. You can use the Laser Pen of different colors to draw the attention of your audience.


Follow the steps below and read PDFs with the slideshow mode:


1. Enter reading page -> Click 1619519038533205.png in the top right corner -> Slideshow, you can now present your PDF as a slideshow;

4  幻灯片模式下展示 PDF


2. Tap Laser Pen to help your presentation. You can change the color of the pen to markup your contents to draw attention;

3. Tap 1619519066177643.png or press Ctrl + Z to undo your operation;

4. Tap the Exit icon in the top left corner or tap Esc on the keyboard to finish your presentation.


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