Quick Guide for iOS

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How to Search for Texts in PDF Document by iOS

Just think, if you have got a PDF document with 5000 words, and you want to find the key information in it, will you read line by line to find the keywords? Obviously, there is no need to do this. PDF Reader Pro allows you to fast search texts in a PDF document. The followings are the steps.


1. Go to Documents light_tabbar_ic_file@2x and open a PDF file to enter the reading page;

2. In the top menu bar, click light_ic_search@2x -> Text.

3.  Enter the word or phrase you would like to search for and click Search on your keyboard, then the results will appear under the search bar;

4. If there’s no matching result, you will see No Results in the box;

5. After typing into the search box, you can also click Search in Web or Search in Wiki to get online search results.


Notice: For iPhone users, if you do not find the Search in Web and the Search in Wiki buttons in the Text tab, they may be obscured by your keyboard. In this case, you can slide up the blank area below the Search Text box to hide your keyboard.

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