Quick Guide for iOS

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How to Add an Audio Note in PDF

PDF Reader Pro for iOS supports linking voice memos to your annotation, which enables you to catch on key messages that you could have missed while taking notes. It is also effective for you to recall important information when you are reviewing your notes. Follow the step by step guide below to start your voice recording:


1. Click light_view_ic_voice@2x in the annotation toolbox;

2. There will be a pop-up window request your permission, showing that PDF Reader Pro would like to access your device's microphone. Click OK to send your consent.

3. Tap anywhere on the screen to add the microphone to the PDF and click Add here to confirm;

4. Once the confirmation command is issued, it will automatically record the voice. Meanwhile, a voice control panel will appear at the bottom of the screen, showing an input meter and timer;

5. Click Pause light_scan_ic_play_pause@2x to stop recording, and click light_view_ic_startrecord@2x to continue the voice recording;

6. Click Done to finish recording.


Play the Audio

1. Tap the microphone icon on the document;

2. In the pop-up menu, click Play to play a note's audio;

3. Or click Export, which allows you to send the recording to different platforms, Copy, or Save to Files;

4. You can select Delete in the pop-up window to remove this voice recording from the document.


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