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How to Add an Image in PDF by PDF Reader Pro iOS version

PDF Reader Pro provides a convenient way for you to add pictures to PDFs. You can easily insert images into your portfolio in PDF format. Now, let us show you the steps to add images.


1. Select Image light_view_ic_picture@2x in the annotation toolbox. Alternatively, you can enable the Image tool by long pressing on the empty space in the document, and select Image in the pop-up menu;

2. Then you can choose between Use Camera and Photo Library in the pop-up:

    1) Use Camera: It allows you to directly take a photo and import it as an image annotation:

         i. Take a photo, click Use Photo if you decide to apply it to your document;

         ii. Otherwisw, click Retake to take a new one that you're satisfied with;

    2) Photo Library: It allows you to select an existing image from the Photos or Albums of your device:

         i. Click to select the photo in your preference, then you can Preview the enlarged image;

         ii. Tap Choose to confirm;

3. Move and Scale the photo you choose and adjust it to the best fit as needed;

4. Tap Choose again, select a pixel for the image from High Quality (1334 ✖ 750), Medium Quality (1067 ✖ 600), Low Quality (853 ✖ 480);

5. Tap anywhere on the screen to apply the image to the PDF document;

6. You will see a rectangle with the dotted line and four blue points outside the image. Drag any blue point to resize the image annotation;

7. (Optional) Tap on the image you added, click Save in the pop-up menu so that you can save the image to your Photo Library;

8. (Optional) Tap on the image, click Copy in the pop-up menu to add it to the clipboard. Long press on somewhere in your document and choose Paste in the pop-up menu, then the content will appear;

9. To remove the image, select Delete

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