Quick Guide for iOS

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FAQic-arrowHow to

How to Annotate with Note

The Note is composed of a note icon and a pop-up note box where you can input texts. You are allowed to add a note anywhere in your PDFs.


Do the following to add a Note to your documents:

1. Enter the reading page -> Click light_view_ic_note@2x in the annotation toolbox;

2. Tap anywhere on the page to add the comments;

3. Directly type in the pop-up note box that appears, and click Save on the right;

4. Tap the Delete icon on the left so that the note you're not satisfied with will be removed;

5. Tap the Note icon in the annotation toolbox again to disable this tool;

6. If you need to edit the note that you added before, tap it and make edits in the pop-up box.


Notice: PDF Reader Pro for iOS does not support changing the attributes of the inside texts and the properties of the Note Box such as the size, color, and opacity.



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