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Can I Get the Educational Discount

You can download and install the 7-days free trial to experience PDF Reader Pro with its full functionalities. At the end of the trial period, you are free to decide whether to purchase all features or continue using the free version. If you are an educator or student and decide to purchase the pro version of PDF Reader Pro, you can get a 50% discount. You can follow these steps if you want to apply for the educational discount:

1. Fill in your .edu Email address to apply for an education discount;

2. Or if your education email address can't be recognized and you want to include your email in our edu list, please contact [email protected];

3. Or click Document and upload one of the following documents for verification: School ID card, report card, transcript, tuition bill, or statement.

We will reply within 24 hours, please check your email. To get more information, click here


All elementary, high school, post-secondary students or educators (including those who are homeschooled) qualify for this promotion.

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